Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Three Rs of Choice..President Monson

Sometimes its a rare thing when you a hear a talk or lesson that inspires you so much that you have to put it to work. During Relief Society our Teacher talked about President Monson's talk he gave in the Priesthood session of General Confrence The Three Rs of Choice(read it here).
The three Rs president Monson talked about are the Right of Choice, Responsibility of choice, and the Result of Choice.

In his talked he focused on each those and the choices we make in our life. However, for our lesson our dear teacher focused on those Rs pertaining to teaching our children the aspect of work and the major part it plays in our lives.

As I have already been implimenting this with my children I learned knew things and renewed my vigor in this. My parents taught me the value of work. Oft times it was "hard work", growing up on ranches and caring for animals and horses in my youth it built the foundation of my working skills. Along with the responsibilities of keeping a clean home with my mother, we were required to help with the chores outside taking care of the animals and the home. Me and my two sisters Amy and Bobbi, hauled hay with dad, mom, Shawn, and, Todd. We gardened together pulling weeds, we all helped collect and haul off hundreds of rocks by our home (that I could swear rocks were growing out of the ground), and hauled fire wood endlessly all summer preparing for the winter. Mom always insisted on teaching us the value of keeping a clean home. My brothers and sisters and I were expected to clean the house and keep it sparkling! :) I think Shawn somehow got out of this more then not because he was relied upon to help dad outside. But all in all I had a good foundation of what it meant to work and be responsible for it and have pride in what I did.

Along those lines both Adam and myself grew up in the "country" and not in town. It has been a struggle for both of us to indure city living. We would love to raise Keplar and Kyly the same way we were. That is not in the cards as of right now. But we can still teach them the value of work and to take pride in the work they accomplish. They have to make the right choice of working and take responsibility or their choice weather it be good or bad, and take pride in the result of their choice.

They won't be fixing fence or hauling hay or fire wood. But I will teach them the same values of hard work in our home. Just as my parents taught me. They are responsible to help clean, and take care of their belongs, and their rooms. I remebered this lesson this morning as I was folding clothes. Kyly came in and said "I want to help fold clothes mommy." Usually I'm very picking about the way the clothes are folded. I reminded myself "she will never learn if she doesn't do it." And to my suprise she was very good. She watches me meticously everyday as I busy my self about our home. She decided it was time to put her knowledge to the test. I led her in example and she choose to follow. She has done this several times helping with dishes and cleaning her room.

I could have insisted I would do it my self and not let her. I then would take away her right of choice to learn for her self and responsiblility to choose and ultimatly her result of that choice. It would have gone against everything I want to teach. Although, children are little they are capable of doing big tasks. Its important that I as a parent allow them to do things for them selves and learn the value of work. They will never learn if I don't let them do it themselves. It may not have been how I would have done it, but it got done. After they do it I have learned to praise them to death so they can feel pride in what they have accomplished just as my parents have done.

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