Saturday, November 6, 2010

Special Military Fireside

It was a great privilage for me and Adam to attend a special fireside held here in Utah on the 31st for all Military members in Utah. Click here to see. President Uchtdorf, 2nd counselor in the first presidency in the LDS church, spoke to us for almost an hour. He said so many amazing things that we were able take into our lives and build stong testimonies on. One topic he talked on that Adam and I already had a strong expeirence with was working together toward our goal of an eternal family even though oft times we are far apart. When Adam leaves we do this. We pray, read scriptures, and continue to keep the covenants we made in the temple. By doing this it is really true that distance becomes shorter and hearts are made stronger and united as one. We have lived this principle and have seen the blessing from it.

Being in the presence of that many faithful members of the church and the military was so powerful. I can't even describe my feelings of graditude and love that I was feeling. These people have sacrificed so much to serve God and country, and are still faithful to the covenants they have made. Adam is one of these peoples. He is so loyal, honest, and self sacrificing. I have personally witnessed his sacrifices and his acheivements in serving God and Country.

When I read the scripture in Alma 48:17 about Moroni. "If all men had been, and were, and ever would be,like unto him, behold, the very powers of hell would be shaken forever; yea the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children."..... I think of Adam....... He is like unto Moroni. He is a Soldier who is loyal and faithfull to God in all that he does. He has the strenght and courage of Moroni to fight for others freedoms and stand up for truth. He serves our country as faithfully as he serves the Lord. I am proud and honored to be his wife.
"No greater love hath a man, then this to lay down his life for another." John 15:13 The Savior showed us the true meaning of love and service. This is what those who serve in the military are willing to do and have done to protect Americans and our Freedoms. I'm gratefull to have been at the feet of an Apostle of Jesus Christ for an hour and feel of his love and support he has for these great men and women.


  1. Awww love this post...totally made me cry. You are amazing Mandy!

  2. Thanks for sharing this Mandy. What a wonderful experience that must have been to hear Pres. Uchtdorf. It really is a special calling to be a military family. That's how I look at it. When we prayed and got the answer that this is what we are supposed to be doing, it felt like a very personal calling that we accepted.

    I hope you guys are doing well! You better let me know if you are ever in CO!

  3. I wish that all my friends in the army and military could have been there. I'm glad that the mormontimes did an article on it.

    Melissa and Tiffany, We feel the same way about it being a calling. We have no doubt that this is a calling we accepted. They are special families who can endure through the trials and blessings of being in the military. I'm grateful I have friends like you both who countinue to give me strength and courage through your examples to face the future and know God is in controll.

  4. Thanks Mandy for shareing this experience with all of us. As we are so proud of both you and Adam.
